
About Yioula Moniati

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So far Yioula Moniati has created 153 blog entries.

Information for Graduates Winter semester 2024-2025


Dear final-year students, We would like to congratulate you for completing your studies at the University of Cyprus and wish you every success in your future pursuits. Please make sure you have returned checked-out items and settled any outstanding balance to the Library by 13 January 2025. In accordance with the UCY rules, you will not be eligible to receive your degree certificate if you have outstanding debts. Books can be returned any day (Monday-Sunday) at the Self-Service Book Return Station, using your personal UCY ID card. You can settle any outstanding balance at the Library (Monday-Friday, from 08:30-17:30) or through [...]

Information for Graduates Winter semester 2024-20252025-01-08T11:39:31+02:00

Author Workshop for Scientific Writing-Wiley webinar


Dear members of the University Community, We would like to inform you that Wiley is organizing an author workshop within the framework of the transformative agreement between the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (CLC) and Wiley. The presentations will go through the below topics: Publishing in Open Access and its benefits, How to submit your manuscript successfully, peer-review process and final publication, Tips to provide the author with a more efficient publishing experience, Author workflow to request APC funding under the CLC/Wiley agreement Speakers: Iosifina Sarrou (GR) - Wiley Associate Editor και Mickaël Roullier - Wiley Senior Customer Success Manager. The Wiley Author Event will take place on Tuesday, [...]

Author Workshop for Scientific Writing-Wiley webinar2025-01-15T12:35:28+02:00



Join the global education innovation movement! DigiEduHack brings together students, educators, and innovators worldwide to tackle pressing challenges in digital education. Discover what DigiEduHack is all about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSYuK7fcwtE&t=4s


Technical Work in the Library Service Area from July 12 to July 25, 2024


We would like to inform you that technical work will be carried out in the ground floor service area of the Library, specifically at the service desk. The work will start on Friday, July 12, and will be completed on Thursday, July 25, during which noise is to be expected. Library users will be served temporarily from the LRC01 010A area. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.  

Technical Work in the Library Service Area from July 12 to July 25, 20242024-07-25T10:52:17+03:00

UCY Library Book Tracer


Dear members of the University Community, The University of Cyprus Library which is constantly updating its services in order to make them more user-friendly, has recently developed the “UCY Library Book Tracer” app for mobile phones and tablets. The application  guides library users to locate easily and quickly the book they are interested in on the shelves. The app is available on App Store and Google play.

UCY Library Book Tracer2024-07-02T08:13:12+03:00



Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης–Βιβλιοθήκη «Στέλιος Ιωάννου», Λεωφ. Πανεπιστημίου 1, 2109 Αγλαντζιά, Λευκωσία Τ.Θ. 20537, 1678 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος

Phone: (+357) 22 892020, (+357) 22 892137

Fax: (+357) 22895495

Web: http://library.ucy.ac.cy/

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