Library rules
Nicosia 1996
- 5. LOAN
The University of Cyprus, in accordance with Articles 32 and 33 of the University of Cyprus Laws of 1989 and 1991, as well as with their amendments, issues the following rules:
The goals of the University of Cyprus Library are:
(1) To serve primarily the members of the University community (teaching staff, researchers, administrative staff, students, etc.) for scientific, research, teaching and more broadly cultural information, so that the Library become a flexible and modern body for the achievement of reasearch, teaching and other goals of the organization.
(2) To serve, to the extent possible and not at the expense of the academic community, the members of the broader scientific community of Cyprus who apply for and issue a special external user ID.
(3) To align and collaborate with other scientific institutions and libraries in Cyprus for the recording and documentation of its popular culture works, as well as other scientific, artistic and cultural production.
The above goals are achieved though:
(a) Αdequate staffing with qualified.
(b) Continuous education and training of its staff.
(c) Acquisition of the required material through purchases and donations.
(d) Management of library material according to international standards.
(e) Setup of modern reading rooms and lending part of its collection.
(f) The necessary mechanical and electrical equipment.
(g) Contact and cooperation with other libraries, organizations and institutions in within and outside the country for the exchange of material, sending photocopies and interlibrary loan and document delivery.
Library material is defined as any of the following:
(a) Any manuscript or printed material serving the above goals.
(b) Audiovisual material (LP records, tapes, diskettes, optical disks, microfilms, microfiche, multimedia, etc.).
(c) Electronic databases.
Special attention is given to the preservation of rare and valuable Library material, in particular of material in printed form. However, due to wear or loss, part of the collection is replaced.
Library premises are defined as:
The areas of storage, exhibit and use of collections and the working areas of staff.
Library equipment is defined as:
Electronic equipment, reading machines (reader printer), photocopying machines and other mechanical equipment serving staff and users.
In case Departmental or Branch Libraries, these come under the Main Library. The Library and its services function in a single area.
Rights of Library use and material borrowing are given to all Library members owning a Library card. The card gives its owner the right of access to all Library collections, including branch collections. The Library card is strictly personal and not transferable.
Members of academic and administration staff of the University of Cyprus, as well as graduate students, receive the Library card automatically at no annual subsciption charge.
Undergraduate students of the University of Cyprus also receive the Library card at no annual charge, however only after they attend the Library seminars offered.
University of Cyprus alumni have the right to issue a new members card at no annual charge that is valid for three years after their graduation.
External users may become Library members and receive the Library card by submitting a special application to the Library Director. The application is approved by the Director who informs accordingly the Library Committee. External users must pay an annual subscription in order to maintain their membership, the amount of which is determined by the Library Committee, following the Library Director’s relevant suggestion.
Rules that apply to external users:
- According to the Library rules, anyone interested in becoming external user (EU) must complete, sign and submit the printed application form, accepting all terms and conditions described in it. The submission of false data is considered a serious breach and is followed by immediate cancellation of membership.
- Once their application is approved by the Library, those interested become external users (EU) and receive a special card issued by the Library . This card bears the owner’s photograph and must always be handed to circulation staff for circulation procedures. The cost for the card issuing is CY£2.
- All EU are required to pay an annual subscription fee of CY£10.
- Each EU may borrow up to five (5) items simultaneously for fifteen (15) calendar days each.
- If requested by the Library, the EU is obliged to return within three (3) days of notice any borrowed items, so that other, urgent needs are met.
- EUs intending to stay away from their permanent residence for a period longer than 15 calendar days are obliged to return all borrowed books before doing so.
- In case where there is a change in the data submitted during application for membership, the EU must inform accordingly the Library as soon as possible.
- If signs of damage are observed on returned items, the EU is charged with the expenses for restoration or replacement of the item.
- For items returned overdue, EUs are charged with £0,25 cents per day for the first ten (10) days, and with £0,50 cents per day for any additional day after the tenth.
The Library Director may grant the Library card to occasional users and for a period no longer than three (3) months.
In cases of serious breaches of Library rules, the Library Director reserves the right to cancel a membership.
Visitors to the Library may use its material only within the Library premises and after they hand in to the staff in charge their identification card or other personal document.
The Library is open throughout the entire year. After the exam period and until the beginning of the semester after, the Library may operate on limited hours, following a Director’s decision.
The Library is closed during University holidays.
The operation hours of collections and other Library premises are determined by the Director and users are notified through announcements placed in visible locations. The operation hours of departmental and research unit libraries are determined jointly by the Library Director and the Chairman of the Department or the Director of the Research Unit.
Entrance and stay in the Library premises beyond the operation hours are permitted only after approval by the Director.
The Library material is available for use within the Library as well as for loan.
It is the user’s responsibility to use the material within t he Library premises as expected. In case a problem arises during the use of Library equipment, users are required to inform the Library staff.
Users have access to Library material and can retrieve the items they are interested in with the assistance of the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
Users may have access to closed stacks only if accompanied by a competent Library staff member.
The use and borrowing of audiovisual material, CD-ROM and connection to databases will be done according to the rules that apply at any time and announced by the Library Director.
Books taken off the shelf by users must not be re-shelved, but instead be placed in the designated locations.
For the general safety of Library material and equipment, better service to users and smooth operation of the Library, the following rules must be followed:
(1) Carrying in the Library objects that, according to the Library staff in charge, may cause damage to the Library’s property or are suspicious for theft is prohibited.
(2) Smoking and bringing food or beverages in the Library premises are strictly prohibited.
(3) Users are obliged to conform to all instructions given by the staff and to refrain from any behavior that hinders the Library’s smooth operation.
(4) In case the above rules are not followed, the Library staff in charge may request violators to leave the Library.
(5) In case where users do not conform to the instructions given by the Library staff, as well as when they violate the Library rules, the Director has the right to:
a – Deny the user the right to borrow material for a period up to three months .
b – Report to the Department the user belongs to.
c – Impeach the user to the Disciplinary Council of the the University and request that disciplinary action be taken.
All Library members have the right to borrow material, provided that there are no pending charges to the Library.
The material is inspected when borrowed and returned. In case where damage is noted, the user is fined by the Library accordingly.
The number of items that any category of users may borrow is determined by the Library Director, who takes into consideration the Library Committee’s suggestions.
The following material cannot be borrowed :
manuscripts, rare and valuable publications, reference works, recent issues of periodicals, maps ( except in special cases for purposes of course instruction or other academic events).
The time period that a user may borrow material depends on the user category:
1.- Academic staff
Members of the academic staff may borrow up to 25 items simultaneously during any of the following calendar periods:
(a) Fall semester (September 15th – January 15th)
(b) Spring semester (January 16th – June 30th)
(c) Summer period (July 1st – September 14th)
All borrowed items must be returned to the Library no later than five (5) days before the end of each of the above periods, provided that the user has the right to renew the loan period for any items deemed necessary.
2.- Undergraduate students
Undergraduate students may borrow up to seven (7) items simultaneously for twenty-one (21) days each.
3.- Teaching assistants, Graduate researchers, Graduate students
These categories of users may borrow up to fifteen (15) simultaneously, within the three time periods described above.
4.- Administration staff
Administration staff of the University of Cyprus may borrow up to eight (8) items simultaneously for twenty-one (21) days each.
5.- External users
See rules for external users, paragraph 4.
In case borrowed material is returned overdue, the user is fined accordingly. If the return is overdue by more than two weeks, the user is sent a reminder, whereas the amount of daily fine increases. The user may be charged for postages or other expenses regarding the reminder sent. For books or other material returned after the due date, fines will charged to the user according to the following rules:
(a) For material of regular lending, the fine is £0,25 per day for the first two weeks after the due date and £0,50 cents per day for any period after the first two weeks.
(b) For material from the Short Loan Collection, the fine is £0,25 for the first fifteen minutes after 9:00 am of the day after the item is borrowed and £0,50 for every additional fifteen minutes after 9:15 am.
(c) In estimating fines, weekends and holidays are not included.
A user may reserve an item that is already checked out by another user by completing a special application. The Library notifies the user when the item is returned and is available.
Renewals can be requested before the return due date, except in the case where t he item has been previously reserved by another user.
The Library may request that a checked out item be returned before the due date, if deemed necessary.
The user is liable for any loss or damage of Library material or equipment occurring under his/her responsibility and is obliged to compensate fully. For serious damages due to the user’s negligence, the Library Director may impose further sanctions.
If the user refuses to fulfill any pending financial or other obligations towards the Library, the Director reserves the right to impose sanctions and even deprive the user completely of any right to use the Library.
Users imposed such sanctions may appeal to the Library Committee. The Committee’s decision is validated by the Senate.
For serious violations, the Library Director may impeach violators to the competent disciplinary body or sue for criminal act.
The Library provides inter-library loan services for books and articles from libraries abroad, under terms and conditions determined by the Library Director and the relevant agreements.
Staff members leaving work or retiring must fulfill all their obligations towards the Library, otherwise the University reserves the right to make equivalent adjustments to the last salary.
Students graduating must fulfill all their obligations towards the Library, otherwise they will not be awarded their degrees.
University staff on retire will have the same benefits with the current staff.
The Library must treat all available data regarding users and their Library use with confidentiality.
It is up to the Director’s discretion to allow exceptions to the rules in special situations, provided that these exceptions do not turn against the Library’s interests and do not violate basic principles of these Library rules or other rules regarding t he operation of the University of Cyprus.
Exceptions for departmental or branch libraries are approved by the Senate, following a valid common proposal by the Library Director and the Chairman of the Department or the Director of the Research Unit.
- £1,00= €1.70860
- ID issuing fee.
Proceedings of of the 241st ΣΠΟ/Ο Meeting 17/12/2012
(tax not included in price) - Students with a student ID may use the sports facilities of the University of Cyprus. The charge for ID will increase from €6.80 to €12.00.
(Proceedings of of the 150th Council Meeting. 6.1 Economic Policy of Sports Programme). - Lending Rules (Modification 2016)
- “Retired UCY staff retain external member rights free of charge, on condition that a new card be issued. UCY Professors Emeriti are excepted, as they retain their membership rights in the same way as active UCY professors.” University of Cyprus Library Policies and Terms of Use, 2.2 Member Categories (the Rectorate of the University of Cyprus at meeting 37/2019 (5/12/2019) and by the Senate of the University of Cyprus on 1/2020 Session (15/1/2020)).