
Τrial access to ICE Virtual Library


The University of Cyprus Library has secured free trial access to ICE Virtual Library. The trial expires on March 3, 2025. ICE Publishing is a leading provider of information for researchers and practitioners worldwide in the fields of civil and environmental engineering and materials science. The wide range of journals, archives and books provide real world impact and a gold-standard reference point for industry and academia. They make up the most comprehensive civil engineering portfolio in the world. The ICE Virtual Library hosts all of ICE Publishing's e-content including: 35 peer-reviewed journals (28 with SJR rankings, 20 in Web of Science Core [...]

Τrial access to ICE Virtual Library2025-02-18T11:50:44+02:00

Collection transfer at the Library Basement: Noise Disturbances


We would like to inform our members and visitors that, starting from 13 February 2025 and for a period of 3-4 weeks, collection transfer will take place at the Library basement. During this time, there may be slight disturbances. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Collection transfer at the Library Basement: Noise Disturbances2025-02-12T11:12:30+02:00

JoVE – Οnline workshop


The publisher will be offering an online workshop on 12/02/2025 at 12:00 via Zoom, aimed at demonstrating the content and functionality of the database. To register for the workshop, please follow the link: Meeting Registration - Zoom. Free access to the JoVE platform will be available from 10/02/2025 for a period of one month. Users can access the database by simply entering their university email address. Workshop Description: JoVE produces and provides science videos aiming to improve scientific research and education. It hosts a large library of Innovative methods to enhance research projects (Journal & Encyclopedia of Experiments), but also video textbooks explaining concepts taught in undergraduate courses - Jove [...]

JoVE – Οnline workshop2025-02-05T15:00:40+02:00

Τrial access to Bentham Science Publishers’ eJournals and eBooks


The University of Cyprus Library has secured free trial access to Bentham Science Publishers' eJournals and eBooks (read-only). The trial expires on June 30, 2025. Bentham Science currently publishes more than 130 journals in both electronic and printed formats. The journals cover various disciplines in pharmaceutical research and development, medical subspecialties, engineering, technology, and social sciences. The journals are indexed in recognized indexing agencies. In addition to the wide range of scientific journals, Bentham Science has a book publishing program (Bentham Books) which publishes works on diverse topics. Bentham Science book catalogue features more than 1000 titles, with multiple titles published [...]

Τrial access to Bentham Science Publishers’ eJournals and eBooks2025-02-12T08:45:22+02:00

Institutional Repository Gnosis: the submission process is temporarily suspended


Due to technical maintenance related to the software migration of the Institutional Repository Gnosis, we inform you that, until further notice, the submission process through the repository is temporarily suspended. For submissions or for other information, you can contact Ms. Anastasia Ioannou: [email protected]

Institutional Repository Gnosis: the submission process is temporarily suspended2025-01-30T13:58:22+02:00

Trial access to Drama Online


The University of Cyprus Library has secured free trial access to Drama Online. The trial expires on February 28, 2025. Drama Online is a platform that offers full-text plays from ancient times to the present, covering authors like Aeschylus as well as contemporary creators. It includes plays, author biographies, reviews, books, videos of live performances, and recordings, organized by categories for easy access.

Trial access to Drama Online2025-02-04T08:46:24+02:00

“Exploring Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Successful Outcomes” Taylor & Francis webinar


Dear members of the University Community, We would like to inform you that Taylor & Francis  is organizing an author workshop titled “Exploring Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Successful Outcomes” within the framework of the transformative agreement between the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (CLC) and T&F. Blurb: Increasingly, researchers are interested in or required to publish their work as Open Access. While the publishing process is essentially the same, Open Access publishing can offer the opportunity for greater impact and a more transparent process. This session will examine the publishing process and how to increase the likelihood of your work being published. We [...]

“Exploring Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Successful Outcomes” Taylor & Francis webinar2025-01-20T09:40:22+02:00

Information for Graduates Winter semester 2024-2025


Dear final-year students, We would like to congratulate you for completing your studies at the University of Cyprus and wish you every success in your future pursuits. Please make sure you have returned checked-out items and settled any outstanding balance to the Library by 13 January 2025. In accordance with the UCY rules, you will not be eligible to receive your degree certificate if you have outstanding debts. Books can be returned any day (Monday-Sunday) at the Self-Service Book Return Station, using your personal UCY ID card. You can settle any outstanding balance at the Library (Monday-Friday, from 08:30-17:30) or through [...]

Information for Graduates Winter semester 2024-20252025-01-08T11:39:31+02:00

Author Workshop for Scientific Writing-Wiley webinar


Dear members of the University Community, We would like to inform you that Wiley is organizing an author workshop within the framework of the transformative agreement between the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (CLC) and Wiley. The presentations will go through the below topics: Publishing in Open Access and its benefits, How to submit your manuscript successfully, peer-review process and final publication, Tips to provide the author with a more efficient publishing experience, Author workflow to request APC funding under the CLC/Wiley agreement Speakers: Iosifina Sarrou (GR) - Wiley Associate Editor και Mickaël Roullier - Wiley Senior Customer Success Manager. The Wiley Author Event will take place on Tuesday, [...]

Author Workshop for Scientific Writing-Wiley webinar2025-01-24T11:35:26+02:00



Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης–Βιβλιοθήκη «Στέλιος Ιωάννου», Λεωφ. Πανεπιστημίου 1, 2109 Αγλαντζιά, Λευκωσία Τ.Θ. 20537, 1678 Λευκωσία, Κύπρος

Phone: (+357) 22 892020, (+357) 22 892137

Fax: (+357) 22895495


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