“Stelios Ioannou” Learning Resource Center
Monday-Sunday, 08:30-22:00
The 24/7 Reading Room remains open, even on public holidays
«Ο Χρυσαφένιος» Παιδική εκδήλωση
Saturday, April 12, 4:00 PM
«Ποιητικές Διαδρομές»
Thursday, April 10, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
«Η ελληνική βιβλιοπαραγωγή της Βιέννης κατά την εποχή του Διαφωτισμού: Έντυπα από τη Βιβλιοθήκη Γεωργίου και Μαρκησίας Λαγανά» Έκθεση Παλαιτύπων
Wednesday, April 2 - Wednesday, April 16
Τrial access to ICE Virtual Library
The University of Cyprus Library has secured free trial […]
Collection transfer at the Library Basement: Noise Disturbances
We would like to inform our members and visitors that, starting from 13 February 2025 […]
JoVE – Οnline workshop
- The publisher will be offering an online workshop […]
Τrial access to Bentham Science Publishers’ eJournals and eBooks
The University of Cyprus […]
Institutional Repository Gnosis: the submission process is temporarily suspended
Due to technical maintenance related to the software migration of […]
Trial access to Scopus AI
The University of Cyprus […]
RefWorks is a tool used for the organization and management of bibliographies. The user can create his/her own database by importing references either automatically from online bibliographic databases or manually (including text files). References can be arranged according to several manual styles (MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style, Turabian, etc.) and used for bibliographies in articles, studies, etc.
The University of Cyprus, as member of the Cyprus Academic Libraries Association (CALC), has agreements with the publishers for access to a great number of electronic journals published by them or offered though their platform.
You can pay the charge via e-payments or at the Circulation Desk (ground floor). Before starting payment procedure of debts for fines and charges it is necessary to renew or return the overdue returns, because the amount may vary!
You can renew an item (extend the item’s due date) from your personal online account “My Library” in the Library catalogue.
The university ID/library card is required for entering the library.
OpenAthens allows Library users who are members of the UCY community to have access, regardless of their IP address, to Library’s electronic information resources.
If you need somewhere safe to keep your property whilst working in the Library, you can use the Lockers Room (LRC 008), located on the Ground Floor, near the entrance of the “Stelios Ioannou” Learning Resource Centre. The locker use is possible with the University ID/Library card and the charges are €0.10 per hour. You can add credit to your card only at the credit machine located in the room.
print book titles
print journals