
The collection contains 2000 monographs, journals and three multi-volume series on archaeology.


  1. Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (συμπληρωμένη μέχρι το 2010),
  2. Paulys Realencyclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft,
  3. Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae (LIMC).



Konrad Schauenburg was born in 1921. He studied  Classical Archaeolgy at the University of Heidelberg from 1939 to 1951 (his studies were interrupted by World War II). His doctoral thesis had the title „Helios. Archäologisch-mythologische Untersuchungen über den antiken Sonnengott“. He acted as an assistant at the Archaelogical Institutes of the Universities of Frankfurt/M. (1953-54) and Bonn (1954-1957). In Bonn he obtained his postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) with the thesis on „Perseus in der Kunst des Altertums“. In 1960 he started teaching at the University of Hamburg.

In 1968 he was offered the chair for Classical Archaeology at the University of Kiel, which he held until his retirement in 1989. At the same time he became Director of the Antikensammlung der Kunsthalle zu Kiel, which developped under his administration into an important collection specializing in the field of Greek vases, specially those from South italy.

He was Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Kiel (1971/72), and Member of the Senate for Culture (Kultursenat) of the City of Kiel. He also was one of the members of the Zentraldirektion of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut in Berlin (1969-1990), and was appointed as Honorary President of the Società Dante Alighieri in Kiel.

His main fields of scientific reserarch were antique vasepainting, for which he was considered to be a distinguished expert on an international level, mythology and Roman funerary art. His oeuvre contains nearly 250 titles, among them 5 monographs and the series „Studien zur unteritalischen Vasenmalerei, Vols I-XIV“, the last volume of which was published in 2010, only shortly  before his death in Spring 2011.

For a full bibliography of Konrad Schauenburg see K.Hitzl (Hrsg.), KERAMEIA. Ein Meisterwerk apulischer Töpferkunst (Antikensammlung Band 4, Kiel 2011) 24-36.